
Thermograms - operations on reality

Art till it hurts

Live Gallery, Lodz progressive art movement 1969-1992

'ART' friend (a memoir)

Art is a power!

The Measure of Photography



The Measure of Photography

Jozef Robakowski, 2015

In photographing, PHOTOGRAPHY ruthlessly measures the standing of contemporary art. Publicly accessible, photography has adopted a democratic formula with a speed beyond all expectations. It has opened itself fully to disinterested conceptual thought. For many years now, it has successfully weighed tragic and comic fates alike. It has reconsidered the sense and meaning of present-day culture like no other critical medium. It has the ability to intertwine our thoughts creatively. As a 'thinking machine', it has ingeniously evaded any kind of identification whatsoever, which is why it is often a measure of human wisdom.
Let those who are unaware of this give it a moment's thought…